Blood Lilies, or African Blood Lilies (scadoxus multiflorus katherinae), are one of our favorite bulbs. They are up and blooming now, with everyone, including the butterflies, impressed by their beauty.
The 200 or so flowers at the end of each stem last only a couple of weeks and they bloom just once per year. We have had second bloomings later in the summers, but the flowers have been much smaller than the June or July bloomings.
I’ve been told that they make great cut flowers, but we like to keep them in the garden.

Their leaves grow to about eight to ten inches long and they are fairly wide. They are quite nice looking and fit well within a bed of caladiums.

Although they last just a short while, we always look forward to seeing them. Unique, vibrant, and sure to draw attention, we highly recommend that you plant a few of these jewels in one of your shady gardens.

Happy Gardening
Dave and Trish
our blood lily bed is in full bloom about 40 of them so beautiful
I just reposted it to my page!!!
Thanks so much……….spread the news………flowers and smiles go hand in hand together!
Your website “ROCKS” I love it! I want to become a master garderner!!!