Taking care of a plant by providing nutritious soil, fertilizer, and committed pruning only to see it withered, weak, or dead when unfavorable weather comes is one of the greatest gardening tragedies I can think of. This is especially true when you are just starting your gardening journey. One of the simplest ways to get started with gardening is to be realistic and search for plants that will survive all types of weather. So, read on to find out more about which plants you might consider and why.
Luckily, there are rough and tough plants that can overcome all types of weather. Also, it is a common gardening misconception that you need to sacrifice aesthetics for resistance. Most of the plants I am going to mention actually have splendid blooms, colors, and scents. Hence, if you are interested in creating a low-maintenance garden, be sure to set your sights on these flexible plants.

Know Your Climate
The first step in the process of choosing your omnipotent plants is to explore features of the climate that are prevalent in your planting zone. This is important for choosing gardening plants that can thrive in the weather characteristic of the regional climate you live in. So, one thing to pay attention to is seasonal moisture levels. For this reason, native plants will probably fare best since they are fully equipped for the local conditions.
However, it is not just weather conditions that should influence your decision. Pay attention to other factors such as the type of soil in your garden, its permeability, drainage, and amount of sunlight in each season. Avid gardeners usually consider these things when buying a house with a garden.
Plants resistant to cold weather
Most people who are starting off their gardening ‘career’ in a new home struggle with keeping their plants alive over winter. Fortunately, many beautiful plants are not only able to survive cold weather but also show their best features when nothing else seems to be able to grow.
Many of these plants are evergreen perennials. Nevertheless, they have outstanding flowers, tasty berries, luscious foliage, or interesting growth patterns that make them exceptionally resistant to all types of weather coming their way. Let’s take a look at my top picks:
Stonecrop is an evergreen succulent that grows regardless of the temperature outside. It is famous for its carpet and white flowers that grow in early summer. Even more interestingly, its bluish leaves can develop a lovely reddish hue in colder months of the year. As it is relatively compact, it is a gardener-favorite since you can plant around it without any space issues.

Blue Ice Bog Rosemary
This type of rosemary thrives in all seasons. However, it prefers cold weather and moist soils. It fits perfectly into rock gardens since its characteristic silvery-blue leaves do not lose their sheen throughout the year. Come spring, blue ice bog rosemary will let out pink bell-shaped flowers.
Mugo Pine
Mugo pine is a type of dwarf pine that has an interesting characteristic of turning from color green to gold in winter. What’s more, this pine particularly thrives in cold weather when the color of its leaves becomes even more intense and attractive.
You will be delighted to hear that mugo pines are very easy to take care of. Opting for this pine is highly suggested if you plan to move to a different region. The main reason for this lies in its ability to grow in every season or climate zone in the country. So, instead of buying new plants for your new home, you will be able to save a lot of time, money, and patience by relocating them along with your other belongings.
While mugo pines are resilient, we suggest you still do your research and prepare for the relocation of your garden well before the actual moving date. Luckily, there are many long-distance moving companies that offer relocation across the state that is affordable and convenient if you have no experience with transporting plants.
Weeping Norway Spruce
Most weeping plants tend to lose their leaf cover when cold weather arrives. This is not the case with the Weeping Norway Spruce! It is the perfect garden plant since it retains its rich green color all year round. It is one of the most favorite plants that survive all types of weather because it has a distinctive shape with interesting cones.
Frosty Fire Dianthus
This variety of dianthus is actually an evergreen plant accustomed to both cold and warm weather. In the winter, its grey-green color does not immediately hint at the beauty of its red summer flowers. However, its high aptitude to thrive in Zones 2 to 8 make it a perfect addition to your all-resistant garden.
You will especially appreciate the dianthus’ durability if you plan to move to a different regional climate. The prospect of transporting your plants to a new address can seem daunting, but with patience and care, you will be able to move your in-house garden to a proper garden without significant plant losses.

Final word
Hopefully, these suggestions have managed to stir an appreciation for these mighty, all-purpose plants. All in all, investing in garden plants that will survive all types of weather will save you a significant amount of money and time that would otherwise go toward buying seeds and seedlings for repairing your garden in spring.
Author Bio: Joanne Clark is an expert in horticulture and landscape architecture. She helps her clients design gardens that fit into the climate and surrounding landscape of their new homes in a natural, ‘organic’ way. Her favorite plants are evergreen bushes because of their versatile appearance, resilience, scent, and, of course, berries.
Photos Credits:
Person Planting Seedling
Evergreen Tree Branches
Frosty Fire dianthus