DIY Bamboo Pole Rack

A few years ago we started growing bamboo, both clumping and running. One of the byproducts from trimming and thinning out the clumps is bamboo poles. We’re starting to build a collection that range from six to twenty feet tall. Next year we should be getting even larger and taller poles. I’ve had several ideas for…

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Phalaenopsis Orchids

Phalaenopsis orchids are one of the most common orchids.  You find them in larger grocery stores, big discount stores and the big box home improvement stores.  Fully blooming plants can bring fairly steep price tags of twenty to thirty dollars or more. Five or six months ago, I accidentally found a way to get some…

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Sunday Garden Quote: Mother’s Day

A mother’s love is like a garden. Her children are the seeds.And as they grow, she tends to them. Fulfilling all their needs.Her kindness is like sunshine that warms them as they flower.Her nurturing, like springtime rain, a soft and gentle shower.A mother’s love is like a garden, reflecting tender care.For wherever there is beauty,…

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