While in the midst of planning a move, most people are preoccupied with organizing the transport of their personal belongings, furniture, and appliances. As for those who cherish their beloved gardens, which took them years to cultivate and nurture, they are faced with one huge dilemma. To bring the plants or leave them behind and begin anew? Should you choose to go with the first option, you’ll first need to figure out what you can take from your garden when you move. Thankfully, it is here that we discuss the details of moving with plants. More precisely, what can be transported and how to handle the process successfully.
What can you take from your garden when you move and should you take it?
Being a garden-enthusiast, saying goodbye to your precious plants might be something you aren’t willing to do. Preferably, you would like your plants to take the trip with you. But is that possible? And how can you go about transferring the garden? Keep on reading while we explain.
Portable-size plants
If your plants are on the smaller side, the good news is that moving them shouldn’t be all that complicated. In fact, doing so with the help of a suitcase alone is possible. How does it all work? Well, for instance, if you are flying in, you can go ahead and book a check-in suitcase.
To prepare the plants for the trip, first, you’ll want to take them out of their containers. Then, get a newspaper, dampen it, and use it to wrap the plants before putting them in a plastic bag. After you’ve prepared them for transport, it’s time to put them in the suitcase. You can put several plants in the same one, too. Of course, this method of moving the greens applies only if the plants are small enough to fit inside the suitcase. But if they are, this might be the simplest of ways of transporting them.

Herbs and vegetables
Any herbs and vegetables that are ready to be harvested can be harvested before the move. That way, you can bring them with if you decide to do so. The option to consume them beforehand remains as well. If they aren’t ripe, they might be better off left as a gift to the new house residents.

Shrubs and trees
The transport of large greens such as shrubs and trees could prove severely complicated to execute. These plants are already quite comfortable with their surroundings. They are acclimated to their current environment and might have difficulty adjusting to the new surroundings, a different climate, etc. A move could come as quite a shock to them, causing them more harm than good in the process. The possibility of them withering away runs high if you proceed with their relocation, as, due to stress, you would also be subjecting them to becoming infested with pests.
In a situation where you decide to go through with the transport of the shrubs, bear in mind that you’ll need a bit of help moving them. Get in touch with a landscape professional to provide you with details on how to successfully execute the transfer. For safe transport, you’ll also need to hire a moving specialist with prior experience in moving plants and the right equipment.

Garden ornaments and furniture
While on the topic of what you can take from your garden when you move house, it’s important to talk about moving not only plants but also garden ornaments and furniture. This is where it gets a bit tricky, as anything that’s fixed in the ground could be considered as something that goes with the property. It all depends on what agreement there is in place. If you have it in writing that you can take these with you, then you are good to go. If not, then for legal reasons, unfortunately, you are forced to let them go.
If you have an all-clear to move the ornaments but believe that you have too many of these and not enough space for them in your new home, you might want to think about parting ways with them. However, you might be able to sell some of the items by organizing a yard sale. That way, you would find a new home for them all while generating a bit of profit on the side that might come in handy now, considering all the moving expenses.
If you aren’t capable of transporting the plants as a whole, you might be able to propagate them through cuttings. The plants that can be successfully propagated from cuttings include:
- Roses
- Blackberry
- Raspberry
- Lilac
- Fig
- Climbers
As for the fruit plants, make sure to check local regulations before arranging for their move. Certain states might prevent you from bringing them across state lines due to them carrying a risk of soil contamination.
Do you have rare plants that you can’t transport the usual way? If so, you might want to consider collecting seeds in order to plant them upon arrival at your new home. However, if the plants are a kind that can be easily found in virtually any flower shop, a better option would be to simply buy the seeds once you have settled in.
To move the plants or leave them be
The question is no longer what you can take from your garden when you move house but should you take it? To get your answer, consider whether the transport would do your plants (and you) more harm than good. If even for a second you believe your plants might suffer, abandon your quest. It’s better to start building up your garden from scratch than to cause them unnecessary pain.
Author’s bio: Trudy Jefferson is a consultant and writer at Helix Transfer & Storage, with a passion for all things gardening. The majority of her free time, she spends researching plants and taking care of her own tiny indoor garden.
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