The summer rains have begun in our area of the south. One sure sign is when the Rain Lilies start opening up, especially after a summer storm. Zephyranthes are little bulbs that shoot up slender strappy leaves, followed by flower shoots eight to twelve inches tall. They are also known as Fairy Lilies or Zephyr Lilies.
We’ve had little clumps planted in different areas of our garden for years. They hang in there over the winter and require no maintenance. The leaves may die back a little in the cold, but they always return when the soil warms and summer showers begin to fall. I think they need the warm soil because I have never seen them flower after rains in during cool weather.

This spring was a bit different. None of our clumps have yet to shoot up any leaves. Instead, we were surprised to see large bunches of flowers pop up and open this week.

If you have any little sunny spots where you would like to have some lavender, pinkish, purplish color, then find a few rain lily bulbs and tuck them in the soil. In no time you will be walking through your garden and these little bulbs will put a smile on your face.

Happy Gardening,
Dave and Trish
They sure are pretty. I’ve heard such good things about these and that they actually grow up here in my zone. You have a good showing of them!