“Sunny Wind Hibiscus is one of a group of compact tropical hibiscus called Trade Winds Hibiscus. Grown by Green Leaf Plants, the Trade Winds Collection contains different shades red, yellow, peach and orange hibiscus. Last I counted, they had 18 varieties.
We have the Sunny Wind hibiscus. How we got it was a matter of being in the right spot at the right time.
I was just walking into my local Lowes garden entrance one day and up towards the front of the nursery, there was one plant that stood out from all of the others. At only about a foot and a half tall, this plant had one very large, bright (and I mean very bright) yellow flower on it. A small hibiscus with sunshine yellow flowers. Being as how I’ve seen these one off plants show up before at Lowes, only to pass on by them with later regret, I bought this one while I had the chance.

This hibiscus is great. We’ve had it for about two years now and it has lived up to the “compact” name. I’ve purchased so called dwarf or miniature hibiscus before, only to have them shoot up to six foot after a season or two. Our Sunny Wind has remained compact and has not become pot greedy. Growth is relatively slow, both above and below ground. It’s grown to only about two and a half feet tall. It makes a great patio or deck plant.
This plant spent it’s first year out on the deck getting sun from noon through the late afternoon. The leaves got to get a little burnt looking during the peak of summer and keeping the soil moist in the pot became a daily chore. But, after relocating this plant, we noticed that it seems to like three or four hours of morning sun and filtered shade in the afternoon.
Now, for the flowers. One after the other after the other! Six to seven inches wide with deep red centers surrounded by that vivid yellow.
This little hibiscus flowers well into fall. Even when it’s tucked in under cover for winter, it still put out a bloom every now and then.

Beware though, if you keep this hibiscus in shade all day, it will bloom like most hibiscus….no blooms at all. Give it a little light and the blooming begins. Give it a lot of light and it puts out bloom after bloom after bloom. We’ve had up to half a dozen flowers in full bloom at one time. For a small plant with six inch flowers, it’s quite a sight.
The grower states that their Trade Winds Hibiscus can take temperatures down to 35 degrees. We’ve put that statement to the test for two winters and the plant has done quite well. Of course, we didn’t leave it out in the open on cold winter nights.
A tropical plant that does well in a pot, flowers profusely, can take winter temps down into the thirties, and doesn’t mind being shuffled around?
That’s the kind of plant that we enjoy.
So, if you see any of these Sunny Wind Hibiscus at you local nursery or big box store, consider buying one and give it a try. If you feed them some organic fertilizer and keep the watered, they will reward you with wonderfully bright flowers and deep green foliage. Perfect for that special focal point on your patio.
Happy Gardening,
Dave and Trish

Learn more about this plant at: