“Gardening is about enjoying the smell of things growing in the soil, getting dirty without feeling guilty, and generally taking the time to soak up a little peace and serenity.- Lindley Karstens
The hobby of gardening offers so many things that can enrich one’s life. From working in the sunshine and fresh air, to cutting fresh flowers for displaying in your home and eating full flavored produce. Planting a garden can uplift the spirit and calm the soul. Granted, the tasks required to maintain any garden can seem overwhelming at times. When one has multiple projects in the works at the same time, direction and priorities can raise frustration levels and, if not kept in check, take the pleasure out of the whole gardening idea.
Lindley Karstens’ quote puts things into perspective.
We have Don Juan roses at our front door. Rarely a day passes that we don’t “stop and smell the roses“.

A coconut orchid that hangs in our ligustrum trees offers a tropical scent whenever we get near it.

Recently we purchased another Arizona Cyrpess. When it pushes out new growth, there is a slight scent of evergreen. And, in our area, the smell of evergreens is rare.

Dirt under the fingernails and on the knees is a sure sign that one has spent the day playing in the garden. I call it playing because that is the mental attitude we take when approaching a day’s plans. One part of the brain focuses on carrying out the plans, while another part reminds us to have fun, enjoy being outside and be thankful for the opportunity to watch as nature unfolds with new growth, flowers, vegetables, and aromas.
The part of the brain that keeps the fun stuff in focus allows anyone to experience the peace and serenity found by making gardening a regular part of one’s life. It doesn’t matter if you are weeding a flower bed, planting your favorite tomatoes, or sifting rocks from valuable topsoil, each of us has the ability to enjoy that moment.
More times than I can count, I have found myself realizing after finishing a small job, that not only did I do something physical, but I also sorted out thoughts in my head. There is something about being in contact with the soil, the earth, nature. Something that connects our physical selves with all of creation. Yet, at the same time, our mental selves seem to have clearer thoughts. We hear the birds more clearly. We notice the many activities taking place around us by the ants, worms, butterflies, and even the wasps.
Time can stand still in the garden. Be aware of nature around you the next time you “play” in a garden. With a slight mental adjustment, that garden chore can become a pleasurable path to “soak up a little peace and garden serenity”.
Happy Gardening,
Dave and Trish
Love your quote, Dave. I’m trying to focus more on “taking the time to soak up a little peace and serenity.” I tend to work too hard and not spend enough time just soaking up the peace. Thanks for the sweet reminder.
Carolyn – You’re welcome. And, I know what you mean. I go, go, go all day and then, at sunset, I realize that I need to slow down and enjoy the results of all that “going”. Thanks for your comment…..always appreciated.
How right you are! If I couldn’t play in the dirt on a regular basis I’d go crazy. I always feel so good after working…I mean “playing” hard in the garden.
Susan – Yes, “Life is Good” after a good day of garden fun.